With the aim of improving the conditions of preservation of the quality of perishable foodstuffs during their carriage, particularly in international trade, and considering that the improvement of those conditions is likely to promote the expansion of trade in perishable foodstuffs and whereas improving these conditions would aid the development of trade in perishable foodstuffs, the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be used for such Carriage (ATP), signed in Geneva on 1 September 1970, came into force on 21 November 1976.
An attestation of compliance with the norms will be issued by the competent authority in the country in which the equipment must be registered or recorded.
The ATP Agreement requires checks to be carried out periodically and/or at the request of the authorities to ensure that the insulated, refrigerated, mechanically refrigerated or heated equipment complies with the norms.
The SNCA ensures that the rules and technical specifications for ATP vehicles are respected and issues the ATP attestation.
Any vehicle used for the transport of perishable goods across the international borders of ATP signatory countries must have an ATP certificate.